5 Reasons to Consider Adding a Wellness Plan to Your Pet Insurance Policy

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Pet wellness and routine care plans are an optional add on to pet insurance plans offered by Pets Best, and an easy way to keep your pet as healthy as possible. Annual checkups with your veterinarian allow health changes to be addressed and underlying diseases to be caught early. Here are five aspects of routine veterinary care that are crucial for the overall well-being of your pet.

1. Vaccines

Everyone is familiar with vaccines and why our pets need them. Deadly contagious diseases such as Parvo and Distemper are fully preventable in puppies with a simple vaccine. The same is true of the deadly Feline Leukemia Virus and Panleukopenia virus in cats. All puppies and kittens need to have their full series of vaccines and appropriate boosters as they age. Even older pets need to have their boosters updated to prevent deadly infections.

2. Dental Care

Just like humans, pets need their teeth cleaned too! Dogs and cats have plaque and tartar buildup that leads to dental calculus, gingivitis and painful tooth decay. Severe gum disease is a source of chronic infection which can allow bacteria into the bloodstream. These bacteria can latch onto heart valves causing dangerous heart murmurs; bacteria in the blood can also cause abscesses in the liver and elsewhere in the body. It is important to start routine dental cleanings early in life to prevent the teeth from ever decaying and becoming damaged in the first place.

3. Flea and Tick Prevention

Besides being just plain gross, fleas and ticks can really harm your pet. These tiny parasites harbor diseases that can wreak havoc on your pet’s health. Fleas can carry tapeworms which can be transmitted to your pets, and can also cause severe health issues.. It is important that all pets be on appropriate flea and tick control for their geographical area. Many parts of the United States require year round flea and tick control, even in indoor pets.

4. Heartworm Prevention

The number one most common preventable disease in dogs is Heartworms, but did you know that cats can get heartworms too? This deadly worm infection is transmitted from infected animals to your pet by mosquitos, which means that even indoor pets are at risk. Areas with warm, wet weather such as the southeastern United States, the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi Delta region have particularly high levels of infected dogs and wildlife. However, heartworms have been reported and diagnosed in all 50 states, so prevention is important no matter where you live. 

5. Spay/Neuter

Did you know that spaying or neutering your pet is considered preventative care? Neutering male dogs and cats has several health benefits and can also help decrease aggressive behavior. Female dogs and cats who are not spayed before their first heat cycle have a much higher chance of developing mammary cancer (breast cancer) as they age. Pets who are spayed or neutered, on average, live longer than those pets who are not. These procedures carry very little risk, especially when patients are young and healthy.

Pets Best offers Routine Care Wellness Plans, as an optional add on to all their pet insurance plans.

Dr. Eva Evans is a veterinarian and writer for Pets Best, a U.S. dog and cat insurance agency founded in 2005.



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Keep Your Pet Healthy with Pet Insurance

Your pet insurance policy already helps you to keep your cat or dog happy and healthy, but have you considered adding a wellness plan to your pet insurance policy? A wellness plan helps to keep costs down on routine care such as vaccines, boosters, cleanings, and more. 

Dr. Eva Evans, Pets Best