Making Your 2021 Homeownership Goals a Reality

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If 2020 has taught us anything, it has helped us understand the importance of home. If you need a dedicated room for your online student or a larger yard to play in, it may be time to explore some new options for your next home. The pandemic has many Americans reflecting on their living spaces and thinking about their long-term financial goals. Take a minute to focus in on your own unique goals, opportunities and circumstances and make the best decision for you.

Here’s how to move forward with your buying plans:

Do your homework.
Did the pandemic change what you’re looking for at all? Is a home office more important or a backyard patio? What about your finances? Do you feel secure in your job? Do you already have savings set aside for a down payment as well as for a rainy-day fund?

Know what you can afford.
The recent pandemic reinforces the reality of economic ups and downs and the fact that disasters can happen. It reinforces the importance of not overextending yourself in buying; you want to be able to weather any economic cycle. As you consider this, know that a bright spot is that mortgage rates are very low right now, which helps stretch your dollars when you decide to buy. It’s always safe to have a rainy-day fund for expenses and repairs. Buying a home is a long-term commitment.

Start your house hunt from home.
While a recent survey from indicates that three out of four consumers want to see a property in person before buying, we know that consumers love to start their house hunt from their computers (and about a quarter would buy without seeing!).

Embrace digital tools.
Just like shopping for your perfect house, you can apply for a home loan from your kitchen; you never really need to step into a bank. Many tasks can be handled online, from starting the loan applications to signing disclosures and uploading needed documents during the loan process.

Whether you’re buying a home for the first time or refinancing to get more out of your mortgage, apply for a Union Plus mortgage with financing through Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. Your Wells Fargo team, together with Union Plus, is ready to provide home financing support and benefits to active and retired union members of participating unions. Spouses (or domestic partners), parents, and children of union members are also eligible.

Learn more about Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

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Wells Fargo Home Mortgage has a services agreement with Union Privilege in which Union Privilege receives a financial benefit for providing agreed-upon services. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage encourages you to shop around to ensure you receive the services and loan terms that fit your home financing needs.

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Ready to make your new year homeownership goals a reality? Let Wells Fargo help you find a mortgage that’s right for you and your family.

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