Union Plus Stands with the Black Community

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The tragic, violent death of George Floyd at the hands of police has devastated so many of us. It is hard to talk about. And, it is hard to find words to describe our anger and sadness. However, we know that silence gives consent and that silence makes us complicit — so we will not be silent.

We will start by saying this:

We value the lives of black people.
We believe Black Lives Matter.
We denounce racism, in all its forms.
We stand against hatred.

To our friends and neighbors in the black community, we say,

We hear you.
We value you.
We stand with you.
We will not be complicit.

We stand in support of protestors across our country as they exercise their constitutional right to peacefully assemble in protest against the injustice that resulted in the death of George Floyd.

We stand with those also protesting and mourning the loss of so many others that have been killed due to systemic racism and injustice, including, but unfortunately, not limited to:

Ahmaud Arbery
Breonna Taylor
Trayvon Martin
Tamir Rice
Michael Brown
Eric Garner
Philando Castile
David McAtee

We humbly stand in the sunshine of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream — a world where race and color does not separate us, but unites us, equally, as we move towards building a more perfect union. We are hopeful that the conversation that has awoken in the nation this week leads to meaningful change.

We stand ready to listen and learn the best ways to support our friends and neighbors in the black community.

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Black Lives Matter Solidarity Blog

We believe Black Lives Matter.
We value the lives of black people.
We denounce racism, in all its forms.
We stand against hatred.

Mitch Stevens, President Union Plus
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