
Loyalty Pays Off for SMART Member Using Union Plus Wireless Program

James White has been a member of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers (SMART) his entire career. He’s been the SMART Director of Organizing for the past 12 years and has worked for the International for two decades.

White has also been a loyal longtime customer of AT&T. Union Plus offers union members and retirees exclusive discounts and benefits with AT&T through the Union Plus Wireless Program.

"We’ve been with AT&T for a long time," White says. "We stayed with them when they became union and then the union discount was an added plus."

When White and other union members choose AT&T, they support more than 150,000 union members at the only nationwide unionized wireless carrier. With the Union Plus Wireless Program, union members and retirees receive 15% monthly service charge discounts on qualified wireless plans1 and 20% discounts on select phone accessories.2

As Director of Organizing for SMART, White spends a lot of time on the road meeting with workers. He urges SMART members to take advantage of Union Plus benefits like the Union Plus Wireless Program.

White also encourages members to download the Union Plus Deals app on their smart phones. The app gives union members access to thousands of discounts on everything from pizza and movie tickets to car rentals and local attractions.

"You go out to eat once or twice a month, or you go to the movies, you use the Union Plus app and see what discounts they have," White says. "It makes it that much easier to save a few bucks."

To learn more about wireless discounts for union members, visit unionplus.org/att.

To explore Union Plus everyday discounts, visit unionplus.org/entertainment and follow the instructions to register for discounts with Abenity.

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James White takes advantage of the AT&T Signature Program and the Union Plus Deals App

115% ON THE MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE OF QUALIFIED WIRELESS PLANS: Available only to current members of qualified AFL-CIO member unions, other authorized individuals associated with eligible unions and other sponsoring organizations with a qualifying agreement. Must provide acceptable proof of union membership such as a membership card from your local union, a pay stub showing dues deduction or the Union Plus Member Discount Card and subscribe to service under an individual account for which the member is personally liable. Offer contingent upon in-store verification of union member status. Discount subject to agreement between Union Privilege and AT&T and may be interrupted, changed, or discontinued without notice. Discount applies only to recurring monthly service charge of qualified voice and data plans, not overages. Not available with unlimited voice plans. For Family Talk, applies only to primary line. For all Mobile Share plans, applies only to monthly plan charge of plans with 1GB or more, not to additional monthly device access charges. Additional restrictions apply. May take up to 2 bill cycles after eligibility confirmed and will not apply to prior charges. Applied after application of any available credit. May not be combined with other service discounts. Visit UnionPlus.org/ATT or contact AT&T at 866-499-8008 for details.

220% OFF SELECT ACCESSORIES: AT&T will apply the Accessory Discount to the prices of select Accessories available through AT&T, which may be modified by AT&T from time to time. The term "Accessory" or "Accessories" means supplementary parts for Equipment (e.g. batteries, cases, earbuds). The Accessory Discount will not apply to Accessories purchased for use with datacentric Equipment such as modems, replacement SIM cards and car kits or to Apple-branded Accessories, and the Accessory Discount may not be combined with any other promotional pricing.

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Happy woman that used AT&T Signature Program Discounts
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Union members get wireless service discounts with the Union Plus Wireless Program

As SMART's Director of Organizing, James White knows his way around Union Plus benefits. His own family takes advantage of the Union Plus Wireless Program's discounts for union members and the Union Plus Deals app for discounts on things like movie tickets and going out to eat. As White says, taking advantage of these benefits "makes it that much easier to save a few bucks." And who wouldn’t want to do that?

Union Plus Team

NATCA Member Saves on Family’s Electronics with Union Plus

Tim Samsel shares a phone plan with his wife and two sons: that means a lot of electronics in his house. So when Samsel's union, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), emailed its members about AT&T wireless plan discounts through the Union Plus Wireless Program, Samsel and his wife were eager to check it out.

"We went into the local AT&T store to find out and see if we could get a better deal on our family phone plan," Samsel recalls. "Sure enough, it saved us money."

When the AT&T staff realized he was a NATCA member, they applied the Union Plus Wireless Program discount to the Samsels' existing AT&T phone plan.

When Samsel and other union members choose AT&T, they support more than 150,000 union members at the only nationwide unionized wireless carrier. With the Union Plus Wireless Program, union members and retirees receive a 15% monthly service charge discount on qualified wireless plans1 and a 20% discount on select phone accessories.2

The Samsels also use the Union Plus Deals mobile phone app, which members can use to get discounts on everything from pizza and movie tickets to car rentals and local attractions.

"Our family is making a more conscious effort to see if there are better deals available for union families through the app," Samsel says.

Samsel recently retired after a long career as an air traffic controller — more than 28 years. He worked with a lot of younger men and women who are new to NATCA and he made it a point to tell them about the benefits offered through Union Plus.

"The younger workforce doesn’t realize the discounts are even there," Samsel says. "Myself and the other guys make sure they know to look for discounts through the union."

To learn more about wireless discounts for union members, visit unionplus.org/att.

To explore Union Plus everyday discounts, visit unionplus.org/entertainment and follow the instructions to register for discounts with Abenity and start saving.

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Tim Samsel enjoys using the AT&T Signature Program and the Union Plus Deals App

115% ON THE MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE OF QUALIFIED WIRELESS PLANS: Available only to current members of qualified AFL-CIO member unions, other authorized individuals associated with eligible unions and other sponsoring organizations with a qualifying agreement. Must provide acceptable proof of union membership such as a membership card from your local union, a pay stub showing dues deduction or the Union Plus Member Discount Card and subscribe to service under an individual account for which the member is personally liable. Offer contingent upon in-store verification of union member status. Discount subject to agreement between Union Privilege and AT&T and may be interrupted, changed, or discontinued without notice. Discount applies only to recurring monthly service charge of qualified voice and data plans, not overages. Not available with unlimited voice plans. For Family Talk, applies only to primary line. For all Mobile Share plans, applies only to monthly plan charge of plans with 1GB or more, not to additional monthly device access charges. Additional restrictions apply. May take up to 2 bill cycles after eligibility confirmed and will not apply to prior charges. Applied after application of any available credit. May not be combined with other service discounts. Visit UnionPlus.org/ATT or contact AT&T at 866-499-8008 for details.

220% OFF SELECT ACCESSORIES: AT&T will apply the Accessory Discount to the prices of select Accessories available through AT&T, which may be modified by AT&T from time to time. The term "Accessory" or "Accessories" means supplementary parts for Equipment (e.g. batteries, cases, earbuds). The Accessory Discount will not apply to Accessories purchased for use with datacentric Equipment such as modems, replacement SIM cards and car kits or to Apple-branded Accessories, and the Accessory Discount may not be combined with any other promotional pricing.

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Happy woman who used AT&T Signature Program with Union Plus
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Union members get wireless plan discounts through the Union Plus Wireless Program

Tim Samsel, a recently retired air traffic controller, liked to talk to newer colleagues about the Union Plus benefits available to them, including the Union Plus Wireless Program's discounts and the Union Plus Deals App. Samsel shares a wireless plan with his electronics-loving family and knows how easy it is to get union member discounts if you just know where to look for them.

Union Plus Team

CWA Member Buys Nearby Homes for Family with the Union Plus Mortgage Program

Peg Bissell of Fresno, California has been a loyal Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 9408 member since 1977. She recently retired from her job at AT&T but remains active in her union.

Bissell comes from a union family: her mother also retired from AT&T, in 1982, after 38 years with what was then the Pacific Phone and Telegraph Company.

"We’ve always been a CWA union family and a Union Plus family," Bissell says proudly.

Over the years, Bissell has bought or refinanced three homes through the Union Plus Mortgage Program: she rents out the house next door to a family member and her elderly father-in-law moved into the house behind hers.

"We always turned to Union Plus when we needed home financing," Bissell says of her choice of mortgage provider.

Her mortgages are financed by Wells Fargo, which partners with Union Plus to provide mortgages with special benefits for union members. Bissell notes that the included Mortgage Assistance Program, which provides interest-free loans and grants to help members make payments when they are out of work, is “the number one reason” she picked a Union Plus mortgage each time.1

"It was very comforting to know that the interest rates were competitive," Bissell says. "It was also a comfort to know that if I went out on strike, I wouldn’t have to worry about the mortgage payment."

Bissell feels strongly that the Union Plus Mortgage Program and Union Plus services generally are a valuable benefit of her CWA membership.

"I think every member should consider a Union Plus mortgage," she says. "I’m always referring people to Union Plus for just about anything."


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CWA member, Peg Bissell, appreciates the Union Plus Mortgage Program

1The Union Plus® Mortgage Assistance Program and Veteran’s Grant are provided and administered through the AFL-CIO Mutual Benefit Plan (“The Plan”), which is not affiliated with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Additional information about this program and eligibility criteria can be obtained at unionplus.org/assistance.

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage has a services agreement with Union Privilege in which Union Privilege receives a financial benefit for providing agreed-upon services. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage encourages you to shop around to ensure you receive the services and loan terms that fit your home financing needs.

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2019 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. NMLSR ID 399801. Equal Housing Lender.

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Happy family using Union Plus Mortgage Program
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Let Union Plus Help with Your Home Financing Needs

Longtime Communications Workers (CWA) member, Peg Bissell, owns three homes in a one-block radius for herself and extended family. She’s a believer in unions and what they can do for families, both in the workplace and at home, which is why she turned to the Union Plus Mortgage Program for each of her home purchases over the years.

Union Plus Team

Halloween Fire Safety Tips

Candy Safety 
The safest option is to use battery-operated LED lights or glow sticks. However, if you use real candles:

  • Keep candles at least 1 foot away from anything flammable, including decorations, curtains, and Halloween costumes.
  • Make sure candles and pumpkins with candles, as well as matches and lighters, are out of reach for children and pets.
  • Use long-stem matches or a utility lighter to light candles inside carved pumpkins.
  • Never leave unattended candles near decorations.

Decorating Safety 

  • Keep all exits and pathways clear of decorations, and remove obstacles from your lawn, steps, or porch so trick-or-treaters can get to your door safely and easily.
  • Set up decorations far away from open flames and heat sources, including light bulbs and space heaters.
  • Opt for battery-operated or electric decorations instead of candles to light up your yard and windows.
  • Never overload extension cords.
  • Make sure your fire extinguisher is accessible and working.

Costume Safety 
When shopping for costumes, look for:

  • Costumes that don’t have billowing fabric or pieces that trail behind your child, such as capes. Costumes should fit properly and not be too loose or baggy.
  • Flame-resistant fabrics and accessories such as those made from polyester or nylon.

Before you venture out trick-or-treating, teach your children to steer clear of candles and to “stop, drop, and roll” in the rare event a costume catches fire.

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Happy family practicing Halloween fire safety tips
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Happy family using MetLife Homeowners Insurance
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Protect your home with insurance through SnapQuote®, offered by MetLife Auto & Home®.  

Help keep your home and children safe this trick-or-treating season. Have a fun and hazard-free holiday with these tips.

MetLife YourLife Blog

Time-Change Checklist

It's easy to forget regular home maintenance checks. So make them a part of your fall time-change routine to help protect your family and home from a host of preventable problems.

  • Replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
    Then, test each according to the maker's instructions.
  • Give light fixtures some attention.
    Remove light globes and clean them to remove dust and bugs. Also consider replacing incandescent bulbs with more energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights (CFLs).
  • Close off unused rooms.
    Doing so could help save money on heating costs during winter and air conditioning costs in the summer. Energy.gov suggests keeping the rooms at least 55 degrees F, though, to prevent any pipes from freezing.
  • Check your meds.
    Get rid of expired medicines — but before you throw them in the trash, research safe, responsible disposal methods for each medication. Restock basic over-the-counter items like cough syrups, decongestants, antihistamines, and fever and pain reducers.
  • Tune up appliances.
    Get the best performance from your kitchen appliances by cleaning them according to the manufacturer’s directions. Use inexpensive oven and fridge/freezer thermometers to check temps and spot problems.
  • Check your furnace filter.
    A clogged air filter can restrict airflow and increase energy consumption between 5 and 15 percent. Depending on the type of filter your furnace uses, clean or replace it now — and at least monthly thereafter.
  • Reprogram your thermostat.
    Be sure to change it from summer to winter settings before you turn the heat on (and vice versa).

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Happy woman devising time-change checklist
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Happy family using MetLife Homeowners Insurance
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Safeguard your home with insurance through SnapQuote® from MetLife

When you turn back your clocks this fall, give your house a once-over with this autumn to-do list.

MetLife YourLife Blog

10 Common Legal Issues a Legal Plan Covers

When most people think of legal issues, they think of serious crimes or lawsuits. Because of this, many people don’t think that they’ll need to see an attorney. However, the reality is that legal issues, large and small, happen every day. Many life events, such as getting married, buying a home or having children, carry with them important legal implications.

Here are 10 common legal issues you can use a legal plan for:

  1. Buying or Selling a House
    Buying and selling a home involves at least one contract, which often contains language and terminology you may not understand. An attorney can provide explanations for anything that may be unclear and more importantly, review the details of all contracts and agreements to ensure there are no misunderstandings.
  2. Preparing a Will
    A will declares how your property and assets will be distributed and that your loved ones will be provided for should anything happen to you. An attorney can prepare this document for you.
  3. Defense Against Traffic Tickets
    Traffic tickets are a very common legal issue, but most people can’t afford the attorney fees to fight an unfair ticket or find out what their legal options are. A group legal plan gives you access to attorneys who may be able to resolve traffic matters for you, even appearing in traffic court on your behalf. 
  4. Elder Law Matters
    As parents age, it’s not uncommon for adult children to step in as caregivers, handling important financial and legal matters. A group legal plan provides access to attorneys that can review wills and estate planning documents as well as answer questions related to Medicaid, Medicare and nursing home agreements and their potential impact on the plan member. 
  5. Refinancing & Home Equity Loan
    An attorney is able to walk you through the process and provide explanations for anything that may be unclear, as well as help review your rates and other agreements. 
  6. Power of Attorney
    A power of attorney authorizes a specific individual to make decisions for you on your behalf. An attorney can prepare this document for you. 
  7. Identity Theft 
    Identity theft can have a significant impact on your finances and credit history, and requires time, money and patience to resolve. If you become a victim of identity theft, an attorney can provide guidance on what you should do to recover from the theft. 
  8. Property and Rental Issues
    Owners and renters can encounter various legal issues such as disagreements over property lines and broken lease agreements. Access to an attorney allows you to understand your rights and find out what options are available. 
  9. Adoption
    Parents looking to adopt can benefit from working with an attorney who specializes in adoption laws and understands adoption procedures. Attorneys who are well versed in adoption legal services help clients navigate the entire process more smoothly. 
  10. Debt Collection and Bankruptcy
    There are laws in place to protect people in debt and an attorney can provide the assistance needed to help enforce fair debt collection and help you find a solution to your debt matters. Group legal plan members can also consult with an attorney if they are considering bankruptcy to get assistance with the filing.


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Lawyers addressing common legal issues that the Union Plus prepaid legal plan covers
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happy female lawyer that can address common legal issues that the Union Plus prepaid legal plan covers
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Get reliable advice at an affordable price with the Union Plus Legal Program

A group legal plan provides access to attorneys for many common, personal legal issues. From preparing wills and power of attorney documents to identity theft issues, there are a lot of legal issues that occur throughout life.

MetLaw Legal Program Team

NALC Member Counts on Union Plus to Deliver After Hurricane

By the time Hurricane Florence made landfall in September 2018, Paul Trotman’s wife and son had safely evacuated their coastal home in Wilmington, North Carolina. Trotman stayed behind because he works for the U.S. Postal Service, which powers on no matter the weather.  

As a member of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Local 464, Trotman loves the benefits, salary and community engagement he experiences while delivering the mail. He appreciates that his union has his back.  

Florence’s record rainfall totals proved devastating to Wilmington. In all, Florence caused 53 deaths and more than $24 billion in damage throughout the Carolinas. 

“I woke up to howling winds and debris slamming into our home,” Trotman describes. “I did not have power for five days and the rain lasted for another week.”

The Trotmans experienced damage across their entire property. 

Because he and his wife are Union Plus Credit Cardholders1, Trotman found out about the Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant2, which helps eligible cardholders facing financial hardship due to a natural disaster. The Disaster Relief Grant is $500 and does not have to be repaid*. Eligible members must have been Union Plus Credit Cardholders for at least three consecutive months and their account must be in good standing.

“We were so glad to find out about the Disaster Relief Grant,” says Trotman. “Our representative from Union Plus even followed up to let us know it was mailed.” 

The family applied their grant toward restocking their food supply, paying household bills and covering extra storm expenses and lost wages.  

“Union Plus truly cares about union members,” Trotman notes. “With Hurricane Florence, it was such a blessing having the help.”

Learn more about the Union Plus Disaster Relief Program,
please visit unionplus.org/disaster.

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Paul Trotman

1Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license by Mastercard International Incorporated. Credit approval required. Terms and conditions apply.  
2Certain restrictions, limitations and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at https://www.unionplus.org/hardship-help/disaster-relief-grants.
*In addition to Union Plus Credit Cardholders, union members who are a part of the Union Plus Mortgage Program, Union Plus Life Insurance, Union Plus Accidental Death Insurance, Union Plus Auto Insurance, the Union Plus Personal Loan Program and Union Plus Retiree Healthcare are also eligible. 


Letter Carriers member Paul Trotman was lucky his house survived Hurricane Florence. When the dust settled, he applied for a Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant, a benefit of being an eligible Union Plus Credit Cardholder. He and his family used the $500 grant to get back on their feet. 

Union Plus Team

Legal Plans 101: What You Should Know About Legal Plans

When most people think of legal issues, they think of criminal matters. But did you know that 54% of people experienced a legal event over the course of a year? Considering that the hourly rate to see an attorney can cost upwards of $338 an hour, it can be very expensive to seek legal help when these issues occur.

That’s where a legal plan comes in. A legal plan provides access to attorneys for help with personal legal matters all for a low monthly cost. 

Ask yourself the following questions to learn more about whether a legal plan is right for you.

Do I Need a Legal Plan? 

Because legal matters often have a negative connotation to them, many people don’t think they have a need for legal help. But in reality, expected and unexpected legal issues happen every day. Do you plan to buy or sell a home? Expand your family? Is caring for aging parents in your future? If any of these issues are on the horizon for you, you will likely need the help of an attorney. Not to mention, all of the unexpected issues that can arise, from identity theft to tax audits or disputes with a neighbor or landlord. If you had to pay for an attorney out of pocket for help with these issues, could you afford it? 

How Do I Find an Attorney, and Can I Use Any Attorney I Want?

One of the biggest benefits of a legal plan is that it takes the work out of finding an attorney. With MetLaw, when you use our Attorney Locator to connect to an attorney in our network, you know that the attorney has been vetted. Attorneys in the MetLaw network are required to have at least eight years of experience in the practice of law, have graduated from an accredited law school and hold a valid state license as well as have experience in matters covered under our legal plans. You also always have the option to use an attorney outside of our network and be reimbursed for some of the costs if that is more convenient.

Are Services Fully Covered, or Just Discounted?

Although discounts are great, seeing an attorney is very expensive. To get the help you need for your legal matters, you should have access to fully covered services. You shouldn’t have to pay significant out-of-pocket costs to fight a traffic ticket or get help with a debt collection matter, those matters should be covered in full under your plan. With the MetLaw plan, services are fully covered for many common personal legal matters, meaning everything from the initial consultation to drafting and reviewing documents and representation in court, if necessary, is covered by your monthly fee. There are no co-pays or deductibles.

Do Legal Plans Cover Court Representation? 

The legal plan covers representation in court for many common personal legal matters. Attorneys can make appearances for traffic tickets, debt matters, or attend a tax audit or juvenile court hearing.

find out more about Union Plus prepaid
legal plan or enroll


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Union Plus Legal
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Union Plus Legal Program
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Find Legal Help in Your Area

Lawyers are very expensive, save on legal costs with the all new Union Plus Legal Program. For a low monthly fee you can have access to experienced attorneys for a range of legal matters. 

Union Plus Team

CSEA Member Gets College Education She Always Wanted

Guaren Long of Phelan, California has been a member of the California School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter 278 for the last four years. She has wanted to go back to school herself for the last 25 years to get the “rounded college education” she felt she missed.
As an instructional associate at an elementary school, Long helps kids that struggle with reading.

She says, “I have a passion for understanding people and how they function and encouraging them.”

When Long saw an email from Union Plus about its Free College program, she said, “at first it looked too good to be true.”  

She decided to start taking classes towards a general studies associate degree immediately.

“I thought, ‘okay I have time, and it won’t cost me anything, how do I not step through this door?’” Long reasoned. 

The Union Plus Free College Program partners with AFSCME and Eastern Gateway Community College to offer online courses and degree programs with no out-of-pocket cost to active or retired union members and their eligible family members, including spouses, domestic partners, children, financial dependents and grandchildren.

Long scales her course load up and down each semester depending on her schedule.

“Taking classes online is definitely convenient,” she says. “Within the timeframe from deadline to deadline I have amazing flexibility.”

She also loves “the personal satisfaction and growth” she gets from the program. 

“The flexibility affords me the chance to face some of these fears that I’ve had or learn things that I’ve wanted to learn for a long time,” Long says. 

With only five classes left to go, Long says she would recommend the Union Plus Free College Program to others “in a heartbeat.”

To learn more about the Union Plus Free College Program, visit unionplusfreecollege.org.

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Union Plus Free College
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Union Plus Free College
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Helping Union Families with the Cost of College Education

For her entire adult life, CSEA member Guaren Long has wanted to go back to school to get the college education she felt was missing from her life. When she got an email from the Union Plus Free College Program, she enrolled immediately and hasn’t looked back. With just five classes left, Long has been very happy with her experience and credits the program’s flexibility and course offerings. 

Union Plus Team

Your Guide to Pet Health Insurance

September is Pet Health Insurance Awareness Month. What is pet health insurance? Put simply, when you take your dog or cat to the veterinarian, pet insurance reimburses you on the veterinary bill for eligible expenses. Eligible expenses depend on the coverage of the plan you purchase. 

Your Pet Insurance Discount

As a union member, you’ll get up to a 10% exclusive discount on pet insurance plans offered by Pets Best. 

What Do Pet Health Insurance Plans Cover?

Accident and Illness Plans

Most pet owners purchase an Accident and Illness plan, which have the most comprehensive coverage. Accident examples include broken bones, lacerations, getting bitten by another animal, and more. Illness examples include cancer, ear infections, allergies, diabetes, and much more.

Routine Wellness Plans

Wellness plans can be added-on to the Accident-and-Illness plans. These plans reimburse on routine care items for pets, such as flea/tick preventatives, spay/neuter, and teeth cleaning.

Accident Only Plans

Accident Only plans are also available for pet owners who aren’t looking for illness coverage and they tend to be budget friendly.

Why Get Pet Health Insurance?

According to the American Pet Products Association, 1 in 3 pets will need emergency veterinary treatment every year. If you have a dog or cat, especially if they’ve had an unexpected accident or illness, you’ve seen how expensive veterinary care is. Veterinary care has significantly increased in cost and for good reason, the quality of care and treatment options they are able to offer has never been better.

Pet Heath Insurance Resources

As a union member we’ve already done the legwork for you. Union Plus chose Pets Best, a leading U.S. provider, to offer pet insurance plans to their members. You’ll even get up to a 10% discount.


If you’re looking to learn more about pet health insurance in general, here are some great resources to check out:

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Union Plus Pet Insurance
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Puppy Playing Outside
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Keep Your Pet Healthy with Pet Insurance

September is Pet Health Insurance Awareness Month, having pet insurance can help reduce the cost of veterinary bills, but how does it work? Union Plus Pet Health Insurance reimburses cat and dog owners for veterinary expenses when their pets get injured. There are different plans available to help you get the coverage that meets your pet's needs.  

Pet's Best Content Team