Hardship Help

Know Your (Union Plus) Rights: Strike Benefits

These grants and assistance programs are specially designed to help union members through uncertain times. 

For Union Plus Credit Cardholders**: 

  • After three months as a cardholder, you may be eligible for a $300 Strike Grant*.

For Union Plus Mortgage Customers

  • We offer Union Plus Mortgage Assistance. Strike/lockout grants can make mortgage payments if you’re participating in a union-approved strike or are locked out for more than 30 consecutive days. 
  • For detailed information, applications or options for strikes/lockouts lasting less than 30 days, call 800-472-2005, extension 840

For Union Plus Personal Loan-holders

  • After six months as a loan-holder, you may be eligible for a $300 Strike Grant.

For Union Members Who Participate in the Following Programs: 

  • Union Plus Auto Insurance: Union Plus policyholders involved in a union-approved strike or a lock-out lasting 90 days or longer can defer premium payments for two months. To take advantage of this deferment, call 855-666-5797.
  • Union Plus Life Insurance: Union Plus policyholder premiums are waived for up to three months during union-approved strikes lasting more than 30 consecutive days. This waived premium never has to be repaid. To use this strike benefit, call 800-393-0864.
  • Union Plus Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance: Union Plus policyholder premiums are waived for up to one full year during a union-approved strike or a lockout lasting 30 days or more, providing the coverage remains in force. This waived premium never has to be repaid. To use this strike benefit, call 800-393-0864.

For a list of other resources that you may be eligible for as a union member or retiree, visit unionplus.org/hardshiphelp

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Holding up a strike sign.

*Not all unions are eligible for Strike Grants.

**Certain restrictions, limitations, and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at unionplus.org/assistance. The Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license by Mastercard International Incorporated.

Capital One, N.A. is not responsible for the contents of this message and/or any products/services offered.


Union Plus knows that union members are more powerful when we stick together. And Union Plus stands with union members in those rare instances when they face the possibility of a picket line during a union-sanctioned strike. Among other Hardship Help grants and assistance, Union Plus offers Strike Benefits for eligible members*. 

Union Plus Team

AFT member and Army Vet Saves on New Home

José Acevedo served in the U.S. Army before teaching high school history in New York City. After being stationed in the Panama Canal Zone from 1974 to 1977, he spent the next 30-plus years teaching ninth and tenth grade and became a member of AFT.

“I loved teaching global history – not just American history,” said Acevedo. 

Many of Acevedo’s students were immigrants and he wanted to make sure that they knew how they fit into the American story. 

“Teaching was very demanding,” he reflected. “Yet when you feel like you’re making a difference, that’s when it’s most rewarding.”

Upon retirement, Acevedo sought to catch up on interests and hobbies he’d neglected during his teaching career. As he was financing his new home in a quiet section of the Bronx, he discovered the Union Plus Mortgage Veterans Grant

“I received a $500 gift card for being a union member and then discovered I was eligible for the Mortgage Veterans Grant. I was so glad that I found it,” said Acevedo. “We used it for furnishings in our new apartment. It was so helpful as we settled in.” 

Acevedo feels well taken care of by Union Plus. 

“After I proved that I was qualified for my grant, everything went so smoothly. I would really recommend this to other veterans,” he said. 

If you have served in the military and are an active or retired member of a union and you have financed your primary residence through the Union Plus Mortgage Program, you may qualify for the Mortgage Veterans Grant*. 

To learn more about the Union Plus Mortgage Program and the new Mortgage Veterans Grant, please visit unionplus.org/mortgage.

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*If you're an active-duty veteran of the United States Armed Forces and an active or retired union member who obtained a Union Plus Mortgage to finance your primary residence, you may be eligible to apply for this special $1,000 grant. You must submit an application for a Veterans Grant within 90 days of your closing date.


AFT member and veteran José Acevedo financed his new home with the Union Plus Mortgage Program, by being a union member and a veteran he was eligible for additional savings with the Union Plus Mortgage Veterans Grant

Union Plus Team

Miami Teacher Beats Cancer, Hurricane Irma with Help from Union Plus

A veteran of navigating the healthcare system with her late mother and a late friend let her know that she needed to take control quickly. With considerable persistence, her fears were confirmed. She was battling acute myeloid leukemia.

The retired American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Local 1974 member immediately mobilized to do battle. Her level of proactivity wasn’t new — as a union member, she served on the AFT board for her local and lobbied in Washington, D.C.

“If a steward needed help, I was there for them,” said Henriquez.

She brought the same passion to the classroom for more than 30 years as an English-as-a-second-language elementary school teacher. 

“I loved seeing children grow in their brain, learning and watching that lightbulb turn on, particularly in reading and math,” she said. “I still miss the way they made me laugh.”

Upon her leukemia diagnosis, Henriquez went directly into treatment. Amid that journey, Hurricane Irma hit. Henriquez felt she was strong enough to weather the storm with her two dogs. Then the tree fell. 

“It flew from two houses away. It landed within six inches of my roof and crushed the fence in my back yard,” said Henriquez. “My neighbors really helped me in that time, getting the debris cleared.”

After the dust settled, Henriquez called about the Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant.1 As a proud Union Plus Credit Cardholder, she was eligible for the Grant program.2 

“I love my Union Plus Credit Card. I love the interest rate, fraud protection [if your card is lost or stolen], the rewards. I use it to travel, and I took a European cruise with my rewards points,” she said.

“After I talked to Union Plus, an email was sent almost immediately to notify me,” said Henriquez. “I was so thankful I was union member. It reinforced that we help each other in the union. The check came in time to make a real difference.”

She used her grant to rebuild her fence and restore the yard on both sides. A few months later, after being in the hospital 28 days, she was deemed leukemia-free. 
“I tell people, ‘You have to listen to your own body and don’t depend at a doctor to look at the whole thing. Be your own advocate,’” said Henriquez. “The same goes for your entire life. See? I never stop teaching.” 

Through the Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant, eligible union members receive $500 for help with recovery. Additionally, Union Plus Auto, Life and Accident Insurance Programs or Mortgage Program members may be eligible to receive extensions or other special help from the respective program providers. 

If a natural disaster hits, AFT and other union members who are Union Plus Credit Card holders should call 800-622-2580 to speak directly with a specially trained representative. 

Union Plus Mortgage and Union Plus Life, Accident and Auto Insurance holders should call 800-472-2005 to speak to a Union Plus staff member.

For more information, visit unionplus.org/hardship.

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Miami AFT Member Adelaide Henriquez

1Certain restrictions, limitations and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at unionplus.org/assistance.

2Credit approval required. Terms and conditions apply. See www.theunioncard.com for details. Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated.


To her doctors, Adelaide Henriquez looked perfectly healthy. However, inside, she knew something was wrong — she was having vision problems and things were just off. 

Union Plus Team
Featured Image

Houston AFSCME Member Confronts Hurricane Harvey Floods with Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant

Tied with Katrina as the costliest weather event of its kind, Hurricane Harvey inflicted approximately $125 million in damage as it cut a northerly path through Texas. 

In its path, City of Houston Water Inspector and AFSCME Local 123 member Demond Stanley. Hunkered down with his nine-year-old and two-year-old children, Stanley rode out the storm. In the first day, two feet of rain fell. At its worst, on September 1, 2017, a third of Houston was underwater and 39,000 had to evacuate to shelters.

“Yep, my house had water damage. It messed up a lot of flooring and many of our possessions,” said Stanley. “It was some storm.”

Stanley describes himself as pretty involved with his AFSCME local union. He regularly attends meetings and passes out flyers at different events as needed. As a water inspector, he appreciates confronting the different challenges and problem-solving approaches required to ensure Houston has safe water for its residents. It’s a passion that came in handy in the aftermath of Harvey. 

“I was basically trying to pay the bills and keep everything together,” said Stanley. “In the midst of it, I had someone remind me that I might want to call Union Plus.”

Stanley talked to a Union Plus representative who encouraged him to apply for its Disaster Relief Grant. The Grant is available to AFSCME and other union members who are Union Plus Credit Card holders. Through it, union members may receive $500 for help with recovery. 

In addition, Union Plus Auto, Life and Accident Insurance Programs or Mortgage Program participants may be eligible to receive extensions or other special help from the respective program providers. The Disaster Relief Grant is also available to Union Plus Auto, Life or Accident Insurance policy holders.

“I looked in the mail one day and there it is! A check from Union Plus,” said Stanley. “It enabled me to buy some more furniture, put a down payment on new carpet and get current on my credit card. I also really appreciated the flexibility of my Union Plus Credit Card through Capital One. Those folks were outstanding.” 

In addition to meeting his needs, Stanley was also able to replace one of his children’s prized possessions. 

“My boy lost his Big Wheel,” said Stanley. “That was the thing he wanted to most. We got that replaced too.”

Everything has returned basically back to normal for the Stanley family and all is well. Stanley is grateful for Union Plus and his union’s AFSCME Advantage benefits and how they helped him navigate all the upheaval.

“I love Union Plus because it’s so flexible and fast,” said Stanley. “I made the phone call and the representative put me together with all the programs I needed that would make a difference for my situation. I’ve always liked the discounts and cash back, but the disaster relief program was simply amazing.” 

If a natural disaster hits, AFSCME and other union members who are Union Plus Credit Card holders should call 1-800-622-2580 to speak directly with a specially trained representative. 

Union Plus Mortgage and Union Plus Life, Accident and Auto Insurance holders should call 1-800-472-2005 to speak to a Union Plus staff member.


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AFSCME Member Demond Stanley

1. Certain restrictions, limitations and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at unionplus.org/assistance.
2. Credit approval required. Terms and conditions apply. See www.theunioncard.com for details. Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated.

©2018 Union Privilege. All rights reserved. Union Plus benefits are for participating union members, retirees and their families. Union Privilege, 1100 1st ST NE, Suite 850, Washington, D.C. 20002.


AFSCME Local 123 member Demond Stanley used the Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant after catastrophic Hurricane Harvey to assist with damage to his Houston home. Demond is grateful for Union Plus and his union’s AFSCME Advantage benefits that helped him navigate all the upheaval.  

Union Plus Team

Union Plus Brings Holiday Cheer to UFCW Local 400 Member

The Union Plus team works hard to bring union members discount benefits that help stretch their paychecks and get the goods and services they need for themselves and their families. So it makes sense that the UP team — which includes OPEIU Local 2 members— is also a generous supporter of the Metro Washington Council Community Services Agency's Holiday Basket Project.

This year, UFCW Local 400 single mom Kimberly Mitchell was the recipient of Union Plus' holiday cheer, receiving over $300 worth of Giant Food Store gift cards.

"Thanks for all you guys do!" said Mitchell, in appreciation to both the UP team for their contributions and CSA. 

Since 1986, Union Plus has been committed to helping improve the quality of life for working families with over 25 benefit programs — including discounts on wireless, travel, entertainment and more.

To learn more about Union Plus and special member discount benefits, visit unionplus.org.

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The holiday season is all about giving back. See how Union Plus staff worked together to support United Food and Commercial Worker (UFCW) Local 400 Kimberly Mitchell and her union family for the holiday season. 

Union City Metro Washington Council News, AFL-CIO

Scholarships Help Immigrant Families Achieve the American Dream

Immigrants who come to our country in search of better opportunities have been the economic backbone of America for well over a century. In the face of a difficult job market for many immigrants, their keys to the American Dream may not be readily available.

Nowhere is this truer than with non-union jobs, which typically offer lower pay, limited benefits, and virtually no job security. In a new country with little knowledge of the labor market, these work conditions make immigrants more vulnerable to worker exploitation, sometimes with heartbreaking results.

However, immigrants in unionized jobs are much closer to reaching the American Dream than their non-union counterparts. This year’s recipients of Union Plus Scholarships have written how union membership has transformed their standard of living — everything from:

  • ensuring more dignity in the workplace,
  • safer work conditions, and
  • rules preventing discrimination on the basis of national origin, among others.

Union Plus Scholarship Winners

Among the winners were numerous students whose family members are immigrants — many of whom triumphed over monumental hardship thanks in part to their union — and are prepared to make a meaningful impact in the world by excelling academically and pursuing degrees in preparation for career fields such as law and medicine.

Jasmine Gregory of Walnut Creek, CA

When the parents of Jasmine Gregory of Walnut Creek, CA, came to America as migrant farmworkers, labor injustices were commonplace.

“My mother felt powerless until the courageous efforts of Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers movement brought needed relief,” Jasmine recalled. “After years of struggle, my mother is a state employee today, wholeheartedly supporting her union.”

Indeed, Jasmine’s educational pursuits have taken root, thanks to the stability afforded by her mother’s membership in the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 2620, and her father’s membership in the International Federation of Professional & Technical Employees (IFPTE) Local 21.

Upon graduating high school this year, she earned two prestigious national academic awards from the College Board:

  • the National Merit Scholar Commendation and the
  • National Hispanic Recognition Program Award.

These awards are given to the top standardized test takers and the top academic performers of Hispanic heritage, respectively. With college in her sights, Jasmine aims to study political science and ultimately earn a law degree, and "never forgetting the labor support she received since her first employment on American soil" according to Jasmine's mother. 

The Gregory family’s story is a common thread that makes up the historical patchwork of America. Each generation had hope in their sights when they knew that, if they joined a union worked hard, and earned an education, they could foster a brighter future for their successive generations.

After the Great Recession, the educational landscape has faced difficulties of its own, most notably with the skyrocketing costs of a college education. Fortunately, that’s just one of many reasons why Union Plus was established by the AFL-CIO to provide much-needed consumer benefits to union members and retirees.

One of the many valuable programs offered by Union Plus is a unique scholarship program which has awarded more than $4 million in educational funding to union members and their families.


Michelle Huang of Brooklyn, NY

Michelle Huang of Brooklyn, NY, whose parents emigrated from Guangzhou, China, is studying to become a pharmacist. She looks at how far she’s come along her educational journey and knows that she would have never been able to take the first steps without her father Zhantu’s membership in the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) Local 10.

Relating the story of how her father went on strike and helped pass the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970, Michelle recalls,

"My father became empowered to speak up for his rights. I am not sure how I can ever repay APWU.” For the Huang family, union membership pays off; as Michelle received a generous scholarship to make her academic dreams a reality."

Union membership, she says, “…holds such significance and importance in my family.”

Steven Manicastri of Willimantic, CT

Steven Manicastri of Willimantic, CT is a political science doctoral student whose dissertation focuses on a rank-and-file Italian trade union formed in the late 1980s. Born and raised in Italy, his working-class family immigrated to the United States in 2000.

With newly-afforded opportunities thanks to his union, opportunity and hard work, Steven ultimately graduated with a bachelor’s degree in history, political science, and Italian.

“I recognize the importance of theory as a political philosopher, but I am cognizant of the essential need to practice one’s politics on a quotidian basis,” Steven said.

“I can think of no better way to do this [and live by one’s politics] than by being an active union member, or being instrumental in the creation of a labor union in a future place of employment,” he added.

To this end, while in school, he became very active in the labor union movement. In addition to helping to pass his school’s lowest tuition increase in a decade by protesting at the 2011 United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) Walk Into Action, he currently serves as vice president of his graduate school’s Graduate Employee Union (GEU) Region 9A and serves as vice president for UAW Local 6950. Steven hopes to use his Union Plus Scholarship to help fund his dream of becoming a university instructor and introducing a new generation to the importance of the labor movement.

The Union Plus Scholarship Program

If you are a union member or your parents, spouse or children are members — and pursuing the American Dream through education — you are eligible to apply for a Union Plus Scholarship, which are granted to students attending a two-year college, four-year college, graduate school or a recognized technical or trade school. Recipients are selected based on academic ability, social awareness, financial need and appreciation of labor.

Visit UnionPlus.org/Scholarship for more information and to appy online.

In addition to the scholarship program, Union Plus provides a wide range of money-saving programs and services for union members and families, including discounts on qualified wireless plans from AT&T, the only nationwide unionized wireless carrier, savings on travel and recreation, and more. 

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This year’s recipients of Union Plus Scholarships have written how union membership has transformed their standard of living

The Union Plus Union Services Department

Free Union Plus Service Helps Union Member Cut Medical Bills

Angela Neal, a member of the Kansas Organization of State Employees (KOSE), AFT/AFSCME Local 300, had little trouble negotiating a fair price for a car and other kinds of consumer bargaining didn't bother her either. But when the social worker tried to lower her medical bill debt the going got rough.

Fortunately, as a union member, Neal had Union Plus in her corner, offering her just what she needed: an advocate to help her negotiate lower medical bills.

"Trying to lower the debt from medical expenses is so hard," explains Neal. "Some of the bill people can be harsh. They want to get every penny from you as soon as possible, but you can't squeeze blood from a turnip.Union Plus' medical bill negotiator helped knock off as much as 50 percent off of some of my medical bills."

Reducing medical debt can be daunting. Neal remembers how every time she saw the medical bills piled on her kitchen table, she was filled with dread, knowing that she alone was responsible for the balances and that those balances were not going to be reduced without a lot of effort.

Armed with her cell phone, a positive attitude and the stack of bills, Neal diligently contacted the billing offices of her physician and labs asking for their help in lowering her debt and coming up with a manageable payment schedule. She hung up each time feeling discouraged and overwhelmed.

Dealing with the stress of mounting bills, coping with an ongoing health condition, and working full-time to provide critical social services to families in need was a lot for Neal to handle. She isn't alone. A report by the Commonwealth Fund found that 41 percent of Americans of working age have medical bill problems or are paying off medical debt.

Neal found hope when a co-worker encouraged her to check out the Union Plus Medical Bill Negotiating Service. When she clicked on UnionPlus.org/BillNegotiator, Neal was thrilled to see that it was easy to sign up for the free service. To qualify for help, she only needed to be an active or retired union member with at least one outstanding unreimbursed medical expense of at least $400.

"It was nice knowing that someone was working for me just because I am a union member. I didn't realize this union benefit existed, but I'm so glad it does. It put me in a much better position to pay off my medical bills," says Neal, who has been a member of KOSE Local 300 since 2010.

"It's a big help when someone is there to help you negotiate medical debt. It was a real blessing," says Neal.

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This article was written by written by Jesse Campbell, and reposted from Money Management International. Union members interested in a free budget analysis should contact Union Plus Credit Counseling at 1-877-833-1745 or online.

Union Member Turns to Union Plus for Legal Advice and Gets the Help He Needs

It's a fact of life for most people-sooner or later you're probably going to need a lawyer. But where do you turn to get qualified, expert, affordable legal advice?

Dave Felice of Denver, Colo., and Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 7777 has found the answer from personal experience. "There's just no substitute for the Union Plus Legal Service."

Qualified Lawyers

Felice has used Union Plus as his go-to legal resource for a range of personal legal issues. "I've called about a traffic violation, about some financial matters, and even about a conflict with a car rental company," he says. "With Union Plus you always get to the right person, and you know your lawyer is qualified."

The fact is, most companies have lawyers on retainer, and most working families don't. That's what makes the Union Plus Legal Service such an invaluable resource. Union families can get a free 30-minute consultation with a lawyer, .

If additional legal services are required, Union Plus has negotiated an exclusive 30% discount off hourly rates and flat fees from over 2,000 law offices nationwide. Best of all, the program provides you with instant access whenever you need it, with no sign-up and no enrollment fees: if you're in a union, you have a lawyer.

"The best thing was that immediate connection we made," Felice says. "It was like talking to a coworker who understood my situation and was on my side. They listened, and got me the answers I needed fast."

Saving Money and Increasing Security

Felice has been a communications worker for 35 years. For the first 25 he was non-union, and now for the last decade he's been grateful to be a CWA member and experience the union difference. "My financial advisor would say joining the union is the best thing that's ever happened to me," he says. "It's provided more financial security and job security."

Speaking of security, another benefit of being in a union is being able to use all the programs and services offered by Union Plus. "That legal program gives me a greater sense of security from knowing I can make a phone call when I need a lawyer and get to the right person quickly and easily," Felice says. "I'm grateful that Union Plus offers such a valuable service."

As Felice has discovered, the Union Plus Legal Service is available for all types of legal issues, including family law, traffic matters, wills and estate planning, real estate, criminal and immigration law. The lawyers you speak to are carefully screened, specially selected and highly experienced, with an average of 14 years in legal practice. Union Plus lawyers are also labor-friendly-and all services are provided confidentially.

Union Plus Legal Services

If you're like most people, chances are you're going to need a lawyer one day. When you do, remember that Union Plus Legal Service has been helping union members and families for over 25 years, with over one million referrals.

Learn more and get a referral today by clicking here.

Posted Date

Need a lawyer? Union members can get free legal advice today with Union Plus! Click here to learn more.


Despite Partial Blindness, Union Plus Scholarship Winner Clearly Sees a Bright Future


A rare form of cancer may have robbed Brigid McDonald's newborn of half her eyesight, but it did nothing to diminish her daughter's vision for a bright future.

Caeli, admitted to the University of Rochester (the college of her choice), has already done the work to get accepted, and Union Plus has helped her with one of the other hard parts: paying for it.

Union Plus Scholarships help make higher education more affordable to union members and their families. The cash awards, ranging from $500 to $4,000, are granted to recipients based on academic achievement and potential, character, leadership, social awareness, career goals and financial need. The deadline to apply for a 2017 Union Plus Scholarship is January 31, 2017.

SEIU daughter growing up with vision loss

Few students could be more deserving than Caeli Quiter, 19, daughter of McDonald, a member of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 326. From an early age, Caeli proved she was a fighter. After all, she was only about eight weeks old when it was discovered that she had bilateral retinoblastoma, cancer of both eyes. It was a diagnosis that required radiation and chemotherapy -- treatment that, ultimately, claimed the vision in her left eye.

A lack of balance, as a result of her vision loss, made it difficult for Caeli to perform motor skills at the same age as her peers. However, from an early age, it was apparent that Caeli's life was not about meeting milestones; it was about surpassing them. She read books at the age of three, won community service awards in grade school and was a professional musician in high school, playing five instruments. Not only did she achieve this list of accomplishments, but she also earned stellar grades while doing so.

"Having partial vision has not set me back; it has only pushed me forward," said Caeli.

College debt...even with scholarships 

Thanks to her good grades and leadership skills, Caeli received a full academic scholarship to the University of Rochester, where she plans to earn a degree in biomedical engineering. While the financial assistance from the school is significant, Caeli's family still wrestles with the cost of room and board, books and other necessary expenses.

"Even with Caeli's scholarship, we still need to pay about $16,000 a year," explains Brigid, a single mom who supervises counselors at a New York State corrections facility. "We do everything we can to pay as much as we can, but it's difficult. Caeli works and saves every penny she can. But no matter what, it's hard to avoid debt."

Fortunately, Brigid discovered the Union Plus Scholarship through an email from Union Plus.

College help for union families

Union Plus recognizes that higher education is important to working families and a key to improved financial security. That's why Union Plus provides $150,000 in scholarships annually to retired or active members who belong to a union participating in any of the Union Plus programs. Spouses and dependent children (as defined by the IRS) are also eligible. For more information about eligibility and how to apply, or click here to learn more about the Union Plus Scholarship >>

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For the past 25 years, Union Plus has distributed over 4 million scholarship dollars to working families. Click here to learn more!


Save My Home Hotline: Just the Facts

The Save My Home Hotline is staffed by fully-trained, HUD-certified counselors that can discuss your individual situation and offer advice and guidance that is personalized for your situation.

Get the facts on the Save my Home Hotline and take a step towards saving your home.

Who Can Participate in the Program?

Union members and their families.

What is the Save My Home Hotline Phone Number?


What Are the Save My Home Hotline Hours?

The Save My Home Hotline is available by telephone 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Can I Talk to a Counselor in Person?

Yes. There are more than 100 local offices in 22 states and the District of Columbia. Call the Save My Home Hotline at 1-866-490-5361 to schedule an appointment.

Is There a Charge to Use the Save My Home Hotline?

No. This service is free to union members and families.

I Already Am Behind on My Mortgage Payments. Can the Hotline Help Me?

Yes. The hotline's HUD-certified counselors can help you establish a budget, set priorities and explain all the available strategies to stop foreclosure and help you keep your home. Landlords and lenders often are willing to be flexible about repayment of late or missing payments.

If you simply cannot make your payments, your counselor can provide advice for working with the lender. Your lender may be able to restructure your loan to a fixed rate, for example, or allow you to make smaller payments for a limited period of time (those payments will be added to the loan balance, though.) If necessary, your counselor will make referrals to other resources or alternatives such as a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure (where you essentially turn the home back over to the lender). You'll leave the session with a plan outlining actions you need to take.

Will the Counselors Work Directly with My Lender?

No. Unlike with credit counseling, the Save My Home Hotline counselors are unable to work directly with your lender. However, they will create an action plan to help you address your housing concerns. After the session, you should be better prepared to work with your lender. And, you may call the Hotline to speak with a counselor as many times as you need to make sure all of your questions and concerns are answered.

What Type of Information Should I Have Ready to Discuss with a Counselor?

Your counseling session will consist of a review of your circumstances, including income, expenses, debts and mortgage terms. You should have the account numbers, billing addresses, current payments and balances for all creditors you owe, as well as any information from your mortgage lender, including payment amount and time delinquent (if applicable).

Who Offers the Save My Home Hotline?

The Save My Home Hotline is offered by Union Plus, which provides benefits to union members, through Money Management International (MMI). MMI is the nation's largest full-service, nonprofit credit counseling agency and currently assists nearly 100,000 clients in repaying their debts. For more than 46 years, MMI and its family of Consumer Credit Counseling Services agencies have helped consumers nationwide, with more than 100 local offices throughout the country.

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If you’re a homeowner facing financial hardship, the Save my Home Hotline may be able to help.

Union Plus Hardship Help Team