Hardship Help

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Body field. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam consectetur nibh id imperdiet iaculis. Phasellus nec tempus mi, at ullamcorper nisl. Donec nec tortor lacinia, congue risus ac, dapibus dui. Fusce pretium sem consectetur porta tincidunt. Suspendisse suscipit a felis eget sagittis. Phasellus sit amet nibh sed lorem gravida scelerisque at in augue. Cras congue mattis odio, sit amet tristique diam pellentesque in. Sed nisl odio, feugiat quis nisl et, mattis posuere urna. Etiam consequat ligula lorem, eget sodales mauris hendrerit quis. Integer ultricies euismod mi, in mattis ligula auctor eu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam consectetur nibh id imperdiet iaculis. Phasellus nec tempus mi, at ullamcorper nisl. Donec nec tortor lacinia, congue risus ac, dapibus dui. Fusce pretium sem consectetur porta tincidunt. Suspendisse suscipit a felis eget sagittis. Phasellus sit amet nibh sed lorem gravida scelerisque at in augue. Cras congue mattis odio, sit amet tristique diam pellentesque in. Sed nisl odio, feugiat quis nisl et, mattis posuere urna. Etiam consequat ligula lorem, eget sodales mauris hendrerit quis. Integer ultricies euismod mi, in mattis ligula auctor eu.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam consectetur nibh id imperdiet iaculis. Phasellus nec tempus mi, at ullamcorper nisl. Donec nec tortor lacinia, congue risus ac, dapibus dui. Fusce pretium sem consectetur porta tincidunt. Suspendisse suscipit a felis eget sagittis. Phasellus sit amet nibh sed lorem gravida scelerisque at in augue. Cras congue mattis odio, sit amet tristique diam pellentesque in. Sed nisl odio, feugiat quis nisl et, mattis posuere urna. Etiam consequat ligula lorem, eget sodales mauris hendrerit quis. Integer ultricies euismod mi, in mattis ligula auctor eu.

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Post details. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam consectetur nibh id imperdiet iaculis. 

Ruby Tang
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam consectetur nibh id imperdiet iaculis. Phasellus nec tempus mi, at ullamcorper nisl. Donec nec tortor lacinia, congue risus ac, dapibus dui. Fusce pretium sem consectetur porta tincidunt. Suspendisse suscipit a felis eget sagittis. Phasellus sit amet nibh sed lorem gravida scelerisque at in augue. Cras congue mattis odio, sit amet tristique diam pellentesque in. Sed nisl odio, feugiat quis nisl et, mattis posuere urna. Etiam consequat ligula lorem, eget sodales mauris hendrerit quis. Integer ultricies euismod mi, in mattis ligula auctor eu.

APWU Member Eases into Retirement with Disability Grant

Sally Tobar was looking forward to retirement. Tobar, a member of American Postal Workers Union (APWU) Local 185, had put in more than 38 years as a postal clerk and anticipated spending her well-earned free time knitting, doing macramé, and beefing up her sewing skills.

Unfortunately, Tobar's vision was thwarted when she fell and injured her back a few months before her planned retirement date. Health insurance covered some of her medical costs, but not all of them.

"It started to add up and I wasn’t working overtime, which I was used to doing," says Tobar.

When Tobar, a Union Plus Credit Cardholder1, reached out to report an incorrect medical charge, the customer service representative told her about the Union Plus Disability Grant2.

"She told me, 'We have this grant program for our union brothers and sisters in situations like this.'" Tobar adds, "I’d never bothered to look at the credit card benefits before." 

The Union Plus Disability Grant is a $1,600 - $2,700 payment available to eligible Union Plus Credit Cardholders who have been unemployed for at least 90 days and who have lost at least 25 percent of their monthly income due to illness or disability during the past 12 months, among other requirements. Applicants must have been Union Plus Credit Cardholders for at least three months and their card account must be in good standing.

"The person I spoke to with Union Plus was helpful and friendly," Tobar recalls. "I was very happy to receive the grant." 

Tobar retired soon after receiving her grant and is grateful it helped her cover her copays on her road to recovery.

For more information on how Union Plus can help union members in times of need, visit unionplus.org/hardship.

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APWU Member Eases into Retirement with Disability Grant

1Credit approval required. Terms and conditions apply. The Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.

2Certain restrictions, limitations and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at https://www.unionplus.org/page/disability-grant.


After 38 years as a postal clerk, APWU member Sally Tobar was ready to put her feet up. However, before she could retire, she found herself sidelined from work by an injury. Because Tobar is a Union Plus Credit Cardholder, she was eligible to apply for a Union Plus Disability Grant, which helped offset some of her medical costs. Tobar was "very surprised and happy" to learn about the grant.

Union Plus Team

TWU Member Finds Needed Assistance Through the Union Plus Disability Grant

After a knee surgery last year, longtime New York City Transit Authority employee Paul Wynn couldn’t keep working at his job cleaning subway stations. Wynn, a member of Transportation Workers Union (TWU) Local 100, knew finances would be tight without his regular paycheck.

However, he caught a lucky break while he was browsing the Union Plus website soon after. Wynn learned he could be eligible for the Union Plus Disability Grant1 because he is a Union Plus Credit Cardholder2. Sure enough, he qualified for assistance.

“It wasn’t something I was specifically looking for,” Wynn recounts. “The grant helped me maintain my expenses while I was out of work.” 

The Union Plus Disability Grant is a $1,600 - $2,700 payment available to eligible Union Plus Credit Cardholders who have been unemployed for at least 90 days and who have lost at least 25 percent of their monthly income due to illness or disability during the past 12 months, among other requirements. Applicants must have been Union Plus Credit Cardholders for at least three months and their card account must be in good standing. 

“It was a relatively easy and straight-forward process,” recalls Wynn of applying for the grant. “It only took about a month to receive the money.”

He now tells fellow TWU members about the various grant programs and rebates offered to Union Plus Credit Cardholders and encourages them to explore the website, as he did.

“You may be surprised what you find,” he notes.

“After all these years, working the job I worked, it takes a toll on you and your body,” Wynn reflects. “Little things like the Union Plus Disability Grant are really helpful.”

For more information on how Union Plus can help union members in times of need, visit unionplus.org/hardship.

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Paul Wynn

1Certain restrictions, limitations and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at https://www.unionplus.org/page/disability-grant. 

2Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated.


TWU member Paul Wynn’s knee surgery prevented him from getting his regular paycheck at work. Luckily, he discovered he was eligible to apply for a Union Plus Disability Grant since he is a Union Plus Credit Cardholder.

Union Plus Team

UNITE HERE Member Finds Assistance Through Union Plus Strike Grant


Scott Abfalter has worked in the hospitality industry and been a member of UNITE HERE Local 5 in Honolulu, Hawaii, for 18 years. He has been a Union Plus Credit Cardholder1 for nearly nine years.

When Abfalter walked out on strike last fall with thousands of other UNITE HERE members, he was able to take advantage of a unique benefit of being a Union Plus Credit Cardholder—hardship assistance grants for eligible members2

The Union Plus Strike Grant is a $300 payment available to Union Plus Credit Cardholders who have been on union-sanctioned strike or lockout for a minimum of 30 consecutive days within the 12 months prior to application submission. Eligible members must have been Union Plus Credit Cardholders for at least three consecutive months and their account must be in good standing.

Abfalter learned of the Union Plus Strike Grant through information included in his monthly credit card statement. 

“It was a blessing to even see it,” Abfalter says. “I submitted the necessary paperwork, and I fit all the requirements.”

He recalls, “Applying for the strike grant was a simple process. The check arrived during the holiday season, and that was such a blessing.”

The timing could not have been better, according to Abfalter.

“It really helped my family stay afloat,” he says. “The union fund was depleted. It was the right time for this family to have received the Union Plus Strike Grant.”

Abfalter continues, “Some of my fellow UNITE HERE members are not Union Plus Credit Cardholders. Hopefully, they’ll reconsider because of my experience. It is a strong card.”

The Union Plus Credit Card program offers several card choices. Find the union credit card that is right for you at theunioncard.com.

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Scott Abfalter

1Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated.

2Certain restrictions, limitations and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at https://www.unionplus.org/hardship-help/strike-benefits


When Honolulu UNITE HERE member Scott Abfalter walked out on a union-sanctioned strike last fall, he was able to get some financial assistance from an unexpected source. As a Union Plus Credit Cardholder, he was eligible for the Union Plus Strike Grant.

Union Plus Team

UAW Member Sleeps Easier with Union Plus Job Loss Grant

Gary Franklin is a United Automobile Workers (UAW) member who worked for a major U.S. automaker in Detroit for 12 years. He liked his job building transmissions before health problems sidelined him.

Recently, Franklin developed some health issues and realized he could not continue his job without some serious medical attention. 

“I was having trouble sleeping at night,” he recalls. “I was out of work for a while.”

Thanks to his union membership, Franklin has been a Union Plus Credit Cardholder1 for many years. When he had to take indefinite time off from his job, he called the credit card’s customer service line and was told that he might be eligible for the Union Plus Job Loss Grant2

The Union Plus Job Loss Grant helps eligible union members who carry the Union Plus Credit Card by providing them with $300 to help cover bills and living expenses while they’re out of work.

“It was really easy to fill out the application,” remembers Franklin. “I really was able to sleep better.”

Franklin used his Job Loss Grant to cover bills. 

“The Job Loss Grant is good to have if you meet the [eligibility] requirements,” says Franklin. “I absolutely recommend getting the Union Plus Credit Card.”

“Union Plus—they try to help you out, you know?” Franklin continues. “They try to see that you can get your bills paid.”

To learn more about the Union Plus Credit Card and its benefits, visit theunioncard.com

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Gary Franklin

1 Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated.
2 Certain restrictions, limitations and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at https://www.unionplus.org/hardship-help/job-loss-grant.


When UAW member Gary Franklin found himself sidelined from his job by health issues, he knew he could turn to his Union Plus Credit Card for hardship help. He was eligible to apply for the Union Plus Job Loss Grant.

Union Plus Team

AFSCME Member Gets Assistance From Union Plus Disability Grant

“I was put on disability, but after a while you only get about 50 percent of your normal wages,” she recounts. “It was important to me to cover general expenses and keep my credit in good standing.”

Van Horn, a member of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 25, has been a Union Plus Credit Cardholder1 for more than five years. She was browsing the Union Plus website when she noticed a testimonial for the Disability Grant2.

“After about two weeks I finally decided to apply, thinking, ‘We’re going to see if this works,’” she says.

Van Horn ended up qualifying for a $1,600 disability grant.

“I was really surprised when I got a call saying I was approved,” she recalls. “I was happy and very grateful.”

The Union Plus Disability Grant is available to Union Plus Credit Cardholders who have been unemployed for at least 90 days and lost at least 25 percent of their monthly income due to illness or disability during the past 12 months. Applicants must have been Union Plus Credit Cardholders for at least three months and be in good standing. 

“I stress a lot about finances, and this helped me so much,” Van Horn says. “Being on disability and unable to work, you worry about a lot of things. I feel like Union Plus didn’t forget me.”

She continues, “I like being a Union Plus Credit Cardholder. It’s nice to know there is a company like Union Plus that looks out for AFSCME members.”

The Union Plus Credit Card program offers several card choices that all offer hardship help benefits. Find the union credit card that is right for you at theunioncard.com.

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Deborah Van Horn

1 Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated.
2 Certain restrictions, limitations and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at https://www.unionplus.org/page/disability-grant.


When AFSCME member Deborah Van Horn was unable to work due to health issues, she turned to Union Plus for financial help. As a Union Plus Credit Cardholder, she was eligible to apply for the Union Plus Disability Grant. 

Union Plus Team

Union Plus Offers Help to Those Impacted by Severe Storms in Oklahoma

Union Plus Disaster Relief Grants of $500 are available to eligible participants of one of the following programs:

To qualify for a Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant:

  1. Your residence must be in a county qualifying for “Individual Disaster Assistance” from FEMA. To check if your county has been designated as an area eligible for individual assistance, visit FEMA’s disaster declarations page.
  2. You must have had a Union Plus Credit Card for at least three months, Union Plus Personal Loan for at least six months, Union Plus Mortgage, Union Plus Retiree Health Insurance, Union Plus Life or Accidental Death Insurance or Union Plus Auto Insurance for at least 12 months with that account or policy in good standing (be up-to-date on payments).

If you participate in the Union Plus Credit Card Program and want to apply for a disaster relief grant, call 1-800-622-2580.

If you participate in any other of the designated programs and want to apply for a disaster relief grant, call 1-800-472-2005.

The Union Plus Disaster Relief Fund has provided nearly $1 million in assistance to union members facing hardships following Hurricanes Michael and Florence, floods and other natural disasters. Head to the Union Plus Disaster Relief Fund page to learn more about the benefits and eligibility requirements.

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Learn More about Union Plus Hardship Relief

1Certain restrictions, limitations and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at https://www.unionplus.org/hardship-help/disaster-relief-grants.

2The Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated.


If you are a union member who participates in certain Union Plus programs and have been affected by the severe storms and tornadoes in Oklahoma, you may be eligible for financial assistance through the Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant program.1

Union Services Department

Librarian Praises Fast Access to Disaster Relief Grant with the Union Plus Credit Card

In October 2012, Hurricane Sandy, also known as “Superstorm Sandy”, battered the east coast of the United States and caused billions of dollars in damage. 

“We had never seen anything like it,” says Shileen Shaw, recalling the damage her East Orange, NJ, home suffered at the time.

Shaw’s home lost electricity for weeks and her roof endured severe damage. Luckily, she was able to turn to her union for help. 

Shaw has been a member of Local 2298 (Council 63) of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) for more than 20 years. She currently works at a branch of the Newark Public Library. She has also been a proud Union Plus Credit Cardholder1 since 2007, which came in handy when she was seeking financial relief in the aftermath of the hurricane.

Through a quick phone call, Shaw found out she was eligible for the Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant—a $500 cash grant that does not have to be repaid.

“I applied for the grant and I got the check within days,” Shaw recounts.

The Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant2 provides financial assistance to eligible Union Plus Credit Cardholders facing hardship following a natural disaster. To be considered for a Disaster Relief Grant, Credit Cardholders must have had their card for at least three months.

“The grant came at the right time. I just thank Union Plus for that,” she says. “When you don't have anything, and the electricity is still out, $500 is a lot.”

For more information about getting access to emergency financial resources, visit unionplus.org/hardship.

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Shileen Shaw

1Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license by Mastercard International Incorporated. Credit approval required. Terms and conditions apply.   

2Certain restrictions, limitations and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at https://www.unionplus.org/hardship-help/disaster-relief-grants.


“The Disaster Relief Grant came at the right time. I thank Union Plus for that because I don't even know how we were going get by for those next days or weeks after Hurricane Sandy. When you don't have anything, and the electricity is still out, $500 is a lot of money.” – AFSCME Member Shileen Shaw

Union Plus Team

Teamster Credit Cardholder Turns to Union Plus Job Loss Grant

“I’m a driver, and I was injured on the job,” begins Glen Kozubal, an International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 89 member from the Louisville, Kentucky metro area. 

Kozubal was a pick-up and delivery driver until his workplace injury made it impossible to work. When his worker’s compensation claim was delayed, he initiated grievance proceedings with the help of his local union. 

Kozubal has been without a job for nearly a year, but he realized he could turn to Union Plus in the meantime. As a Teamster Privilege Credit Cardholder1, he knew that he could apply for the Union Plus Job Loss Grant2

“I’ve always liked my Teamster Privilege Credit Card, and for this—applying, hearing back, getting the money—it was all a smooth process,” recalls Kozubal. “It makes standing up to the type of situation I’m in a whole lot easier.” 

The Union Plus Job Loss Grant is available to eligible union members who have carried either the Union Plus Credit Card or Teamster Privilege Credit Card for at least three months. It provides them with $300 to help cover bills and living expenses.

“Union Plus is a great organization,” Kozubal says. “This Job Loss Grant opportunity really gave me a way to pay some immediate bills and stay afloat through this incredibly long and stressful process.” 

Kozubal said he’s let his fellow union members know about Union Plus at every opportunity, and he believes every local should promote Union Plus programs. 

“Union Plus really helps members in their daily lives,” says Kozubal. “Nowhere is that truer than the Job Loss Grant.”

For more information about Union Plus Hardship Help Benefits, visit unionplus.org/hardship

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1Teamster Privilege Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated.

2Certain restrictions, limitations and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at https://www.unionplus.org/hardship-help/job-loss-grant.

Union Plus Team

Help to Those Impacted by Alabama Tornadoes - Union Plus

Union Plus Disaster Relief Grants of $500 are available to eligible participants of one of the following programs:

To qualify for a Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant:

  1. Your residence must be in a county qualifying for “Individual Disaster Assistance” from FEMA. To check if your county has been designated as an area eligible for individual assistance, visit FEMA’s disaster declarations page.
  2. You must have had a Union Plus Credit Card for at least three months, Union Plus Personal Loan for at least six months, Union Plus Mortgage, Union Plus Retiree Health Insurance, Union Plus Life or Accidental Death Insurance or Union Plus Auto Insurance for at least 12 months with that account or policy in good standing (be up-to-date on payments).

If you participate in the Union Plus Credit Card Program and want to apply for a disaster relief grant, call 1-800-622-2580.

If you participate in any other of the designated programs and want to apply for a disaster relief grant, call 1-800-472-2005.

The Union Plus Disaster Relief Fund has provided nearly $1 million in assistance to union members facing hardships following Hurricanes Michael and Florence, floods and other natural disasters. Head to the Union Plus Disaster Relief Fund page to learn more about the benefits and eligibility requirements.

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Holding hands to lend support

1Certain restrictions, limitations and qualifications apply to these grants. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be obtained at https://www.unionplus.org/hardship-help/disaster-relief-grants.

2The Union Plus Credit Cards are issued by Capital One, N.A. pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated.


If you are a union member who participates in certain Union Plus programs and have been affected by the Alabama Tornadoes, you may be eligible for financial assistance through the Union Plus Disaster Relief Grant program.1

Union Services Department